Sep 8, 2011

Back to work - New Role! New Life!

If there is one thing I know I am good at that is studying.
I love a lot of things in learning new stuff, being creative and having the chance to express yourself. Well I am hopeful this is what this new role will bring me.

Buh-bye overly dramatic and stressful recruitment delivery work!
Hello to my unrealized dream career!

Way back when I started in HR there are 2 things I absolutely love -
1) Recruitment: for giving me a chance to find that perfect match (company & new employee), being able to network, learning a lot from people (both my hiring managers & candidates)
2) Training: the positive energy it brings, the things I learn and again the networking

To focus on recruitment was an obvious choice and easy path however the mundane unnecessary issues I was facing (before I went for maternity leave) coupled with lack of incentive for me sucked the joy out of my love for it. I never had much opportunity in training and on the 3rd year of my progressing career in the Phil I was told that I have to start from the bottom again to shift to this path. So I took my masters instead hoping one day I will be able to either teach or move to clinical psychology. My life obviously had different twists and turns back then but now is my chance to start over and pursue it this time. I know later the work load will increase but as long as the passion and the joy of the job is there then no work will ever be that terrible you'd want to spit it out of your system.

So here's to my new path!New life having 2 kids this time and hopefully hopefully on a personal aspect...lesser stress at home courtesy of my mom and her incessant nagging of our maid.Wish me luck!

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